Since the science of forecasting has penetrated into various issues, such as earthquakes, climatic changes, food risks, markets and population projection, the project invites the participation of researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds including sociology, anthropology, and communication studies and earthquake seismology.
Tomiko Yamaguchi (Principle Investigator)
Professor, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
Research Areas: Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Agriculture and Foods
Research Interests (General): Distribution and Social Impact of Scientific Data of Agriculture and Foods
Research Interests (In this Project): Distribution Processes of Forecasting on Pollution Dispersion, Social Processes and Social Influence of Forecasting and Food/Environmental Regulations
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2017, Genome Hensyu Gijyutsu Boom to Sangyo-ka eno Taidou: Agriculture and Economy 83(2) : 148-155. (In Japanese)
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2014, Social Imaginary and Policy Practice: The Food Safety Arena in Japan. Food Policy 45: 167-173.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2013, Public Acceptance of GMOs: Portraying Variable Terrain. Asian Biotechnology Development Review: 43-67.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2013, The Challenge of Nanotechnology-Derived Food: Addressing the Concerns of the Public. In Bio-Nanotechnology: A Revolution in Food, Biomedical and Health Sciences. Debasis Bagchi (ed.) , pp.33-46. Willey & Blackwell.
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Nougyou Innovation no Yosoku no Jikojitsugen, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.8.31-2016.9.3, Paths to Agricultural Sustainability in Japan: Life Sciences or Agro-ecology?, Society Social Studies of Science, Barcelona, Spain.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.7.10-2016.7.13, Institutional Expertise and Lay Responses to Soil Contamination, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria.
Professor, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
Research Areas: Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Agriculture and Foods
Research Interests (General): Distribution and Social Impact of Scientific Data of Agriculture and Foods
Research Interests (In this Project): Distribution Processes of Forecasting on Pollution Dispersion, Social Processes and Social Influence of Forecasting and Food/Environmental Regulations
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2017, Genome Hensyu Gijyutsu Boom to Sangyo-ka eno Taidou: Agriculture and Economy 83(2) : 148-155. (In Japanese)
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2014, Social Imaginary and Policy Practice: The Food Safety Arena in Japan. Food Policy 45: 167-173.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2013, Public Acceptance of GMOs: Portraying Variable Terrain. Asian Biotechnology Development Review: 43-67.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2013, The Challenge of Nanotechnology-Derived Food: Addressing the Concerns of the Public. In Bio-Nanotechnology: A Revolution in Food, Biomedical and Health Sciences. Debasis Bagchi (ed.) , pp.33-46. Willey & Blackwell.
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Nougyou Innovation no Yosoku no Jikojitsugen, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.8.31-2016.9.3, Paths to Agricultural Sustainability in Japan: Life Sciences or Agro-ecology?, Society Social Studies of Science, Barcelona, Spain.
・Yamaguchi, Tomiko, 2016.7.10-2016.7.13, Institutional Expertise and Lay Responses to Soil Contamination, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria.
Masato Fukushima (Deputy Investigator)
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, Anthropology of Science
Research Interests (General): Post Genomic Life Sciences, Policy and Markets, Construction of New Scientific Practices Through Simulations
Research Interests (In this Project): Self-fulfilling Prophecy
・Fukushima, Masato, 2017, The Experimental Zone of Learning: Mapping the Dynamics of Everyday Experiment. Mind, Culture and Activity 1-13.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Value Oscillation in Knowledge Infrastructure: Observing its Dynamic in Japan’s Drug Discovery Pipeline. Science and Technology Studies 29(2): 7-25.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Constructing "Failure" in Big Biology: The Socio-technical Anatomy of the Protein 3000 Program in Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 10: 73-91.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Resilience in Scientific Research: Understanding How Natural Product Research Rebounded in an Adverse Situation. Science as Culture 25(2): 167-192.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2013, Between the Laboratory and Policy Process: Research, Scientific Community and Administration in Chemical Biology in Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(1): 7-33.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2011, Laboratory as an Organization: Ethnography of the Dynamism of Scientific Practice. Organizational Science 44(3): 37-52. (In Japanese)
・Fukushima, Masato, 2010, Ecology of Learning: Experiment, Risk, High Reliability. The University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016.8.31-2016.9.3, Infrastructural esthetics, Society Social Studies of Science, Barcelona, Spain.
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, Anthropology of Science
Research Interests (General): Post Genomic Life Sciences, Policy and Markets, Construction of New Scientific Practices Through Simulations
Research Interests (In this Project): Self-fulfilling Prophecy
・Fukushima, Masato, 2017, The Experimental Zone of Learning: Mapping the Dynamics of Everyday Experiment. Mind, Culture and Activity 1-13.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Value Oscillation in Knowledge Infrastructure: Observing its Dynamic in Japan’s Drug Discovery Pipeline. Science and Technology Studies 29(2): 7-25.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Constructing "Failure" in Big Biology: The Socio-technical Anatomy of the Protein 3000 Program in Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 10: 73-91.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016, Resilience in Scientific Research: Understanding How Natural Product Research Rebounded in an Adverse Situation. Science as Culture 25(2): 167-192.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2013, Between the Laboratory and Policy Process: Research, Scientific Community and Administration in Chemical Biology in Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(1): 7-33.
・Fukushima, Masato, 2011, Laboratory as an Organization: Ethnography of the Dynamism of Scientific Practice. Organizational Science 44(3): 37-52. (In Japanese)
・Fukushima, Masato, 2010, Ecology of Learning: Experiment, Risk, High Reliability. The University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Fukushima, Masato, 2016.8.31-2016.9.3, Infrastructural esthetics, Society Social Studies of Science, Barcelona, Spain.
Aiko Hibino
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanity, Hirosaki University
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, Group Dynamics, Social Psychology
Research Interests (General): Dynamism of Transformation of Tools and Communities, Construction of New Technology and How it Constructs and Changes Social Groups
Research Interests (In this Project): Social and Technological Platforms for New Engineering of Forecasting Based on Collective Intelligences
・Hibino, Aiko, 2016, Group dynamics in a life science laboratory: An ethnographic study from the perspective of technological plateau. The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 58(1):82-93. (In Japanese)
・Hibino, Aiko, Toshiro Kobori, and Kunio Takeyasu, 2014, Short Story of AFM in Biology. In Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology. Takeyasu Kunino (eds.), 1-12. Pan Stanford Publishing.
・Hibino, Aiko, 2013, Problems of Numerical Evaluation of Science by an Analogy to Psychology. Journal of Science and Technology Studies 10: 41-51. (In Japanese)
・Hibino, Aiko, 2010, Interpreting ‘Don't Know’ Answers in the Public Attitude to Science and Technology: Questionnaire Survey on Public Perception of Biotechnology in Japan. Japanese Sociological Review 60(4): 554-569. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Hibino, Aiko, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Shakai Simulation ni okeru Yosoku to Koui-Suikousei, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanity, Hirosaki University
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, Group Dynamics, Social Psychology
Research Interests (General): Dynamism of Transformation of Tools and Communities, Construction of New Technology and How it Constructs and Changes Social Groups
Research Interests (In this Project): Social and Technological Platforms for New Engineering of Forecasting Based on Collective Intelligences
・Hibino, Aiko, 2016, Group dynamics in a life science laboratory: An ethnographic study from the perspective of technological plateau. The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 58(1):82-93. (In Japanese)
・Hibino, Aiko, Toshiro Kobori, and Kunio Takeyasu, 2014, Short Story of AFM in Biology. In Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology. Takeyasu Kunino (eds.), 1-12. Pan Stanford Publishing.
・Hibino, Aiko, 2013, Problems of Numerical Evaluation of Science by an Analogy to Psychology. Journal of Science and Technology Studies 10: 41-51. (In Japanese)
・Hibino, Aiko, 2010, Interpreting ‘Don't Know’ Answers in the Public Attitude to Science and Technology: Questionnaire Survey on Public Perception of Biotechnology in Japan. Japanese Sociological Review 60(4): 554-569. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Hibino, Aiko, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Shakai Simulation ni okeru Yosoku to Koui-Suikousei, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Kazuki Koketsu
Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Seismology
Research Interests (General): Strong Ground Motion
Research Interests (In this Project): Issues of Earthquake Forecasting
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016, "Strong Ground Motion Assessment Scheme for Specified Source Faults" and the Kumamoto earthquake. 11th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly : Paper ID 90.
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016, Scientific aspects of the Tohoku earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-13645-1.
・Koketsu, Kazuki and Satoko Oki, 2014, L’Aquila Earthquake Trial: Incertitude in Disaster Sciences and Scientists’ Responsibilities. Journal of Science and Technology Studies 11: 50-67. (In Japanese)
・Koketsu, Kazuki and Satoko Oki, 2013, Scientists on Trial. FACTA 2: 52-54. (In Japanese)
・Okada, Yoshimitsu, Kazuki Koketsu, and Kunihiko Shimazaki, 2012, Earthquake Forecasting and Countermeasures. Science Journal Kagaku 82(6): 636-643. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Jishin-dou no Yosoku to Genshiryoku Anzen Shinsa, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Seismology
Research Interests (General): Strong Ground Motion
Research Interests (In this Project): Issues of Earthquake Forecasting
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016, "Strong Ground Motion Assessment Scheme for Specified Source Faults" and the Kumamoto earthquake. 11th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly : Paper ID 90.
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016, Scientific aspects of the Tohoku earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-13645-1.
・Koketsu, Kazuki and Satoko Oki, 2014, L’Aquila Earthquake Trial: Incertitude in Disaster Sciences and Scientists’ Responsibilities. Journal of Science and Technology Studies 11: 50-67. (In Japanese)
・Koketsu, Kazuki and Satoko Oki, 2013, Scientists on Trial. FACTA 2: 52-54. (In Japanese)
・Okada, Yoshimitsu, Kazuki Koketsu, and Kunihiko Shimazaki, 2012, Earthquake Forecasting and Countermeasures. Science Journal Kagaku 82(6): 636-643. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Koketsu, Kazuki, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Jishin-dou no Yosoku to Genshiryoku Anzen Shinsa, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Michio Murakami
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
Research Areas: Risk Analysis
Research Interests (General): After the 2011 Accident, Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Radiation and Its Standard
Research Interests (In this Project): Relationships Between the Evidences of the Standard for Foods and the Risk Acceptance and Perception
・Murakami, Michio, 2017, Systemization of the Establishment of Standards and Future Prospects: Toward the Establishment of Standards in Nonstationary States, Journal of Japanese Society for Hygiene 72(1):32-37.(In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, 2016, Risk analysis as regulatory science: Toward the establishment of standards, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 171(1), 156-162.
・Murakami, Michio, 2016, Interpretations of "Safety" and "Reassurance" in Dictionaries Since the Meiji Period, Journal of The Society for Risk Analysis Japan 26(3):141-149.(In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, Takashi Nagai, Kyoko Ono, and Atsuo Kishimoto, 2014, Kijunchi no Karakuri. Kodansha Blue Backs. (In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, Taikan Oki, 2014, Estimated Dietary Intake of Radionuclides and Health Risks for the Citizens of Fukushima City, Tokyo, and Osaka after the 2011 Nuclear Accident. PLOS ONE 9(11): e112791.
・Murakami, Michio, Takashi Nagai, 2013, Cancer Risks from Micro-Chemicals and Their Acceptable Levels. Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment 36A(9): 322-326. (In Japanese)
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
Research Areas: Risk Analysis
Research Interests (General): After the 2011 Accident, Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Radiation and Its Standard
Research Interests (In this Project): Relationships Between the Evidences of the Standard for Foods and the Risk Acceptance and Perception
・Murakami, Michio, 2017, Systemization of the Establishment of Standards and Future Prospects: Toward the Establishment of Standards in Nonstationary States, Journal of Japanese Society for Hygiene 72(1):32-37.(In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, 2016, Risk analysis as regulatory science: Toward the establishment of standards, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 171(1), 156-162.
・Murakami, Michio, 2016, Interpretations of "Safety" and "Reassurance" in Dictionaries Since the Meiji Period, Journal of The Society for Risk Analysis Japan 26(3):141-149.(In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, Takashi Nagai, Kyoko Ono, and Atsuo Kishimoto, 2014, Kijunchi no Karakuri. Kodansha Blue Backs. (In Japanese)
・Murakami, Michio, Taikan Oki, 2014, Estimated Dietary Intake of Radionuclides and Health Risks for the Citizens of Fukushima City, Tokyo, and Osaka after the 2011 Nuclear Accident. PLOS ONE 9(11): e112791.
・Murakami, Michio, Takashi Nagai, 2013, Cancer Risks from Micro-Chemicals and Their Acceptable Levels. Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment 36A(9): 322-326. (In Japanese)
Takashi Hashimoto
Professor, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Areas: Knowledge Science, Complex Systems, Evolutionary Linguistics, Evolutionary Economics
Research Interests (General): Dynamics in Language, Communication and Institutions
Research Interests (In this Project): Placing Constructive Approach in Methodologies of Forecasting and Understanding Principles
・Kobayashi, Shigeto, Masayuki Yoshida, and Takashi Hashimoto, 2013, Consideration of Circulation Mechanisms of Community Currency with Gaming and Multi-agent Simulations. Simulation & Gaming, 23(2):1-11. (in Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2014, How Is Symbol Communication Established. In Language and Embodiment. Imai, Mutsumi and Noburo Saji (eds.), pp. 235-260. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2013, Naturalization not Reduction: From the Perspective of Complex Systems. In Are the Brain and Mind Necessary for Economics? Kawagoe, Toshiji (ed.), Kawade Shobo Sinsha, pp. 185-205. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, Masaya Nakatsuka and Takeshi Konno, 2012, Constructive Modeling of Gramaticalization for the Origin and Evolution of Language. In Future Trends in the Biology of Language. Shiro Ojima, et al. (eds.), 53-81. Keio University Press.
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2017.3.25-2017.3.26, Complex Systems and Evolutionary Economics: Scope and Target of Non-Traditional Methodologies, Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics 2016, Workshop "Scope and Target of 'Evolutionary Economics: Applications, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.11.25, Jinko-Chino ga Hiraku Korekara no Syakai to Zeirishi no Yakuwari, Workshop of Kinki Certified Public Tax Accountants Association, Nakagyo branch, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.8.22-2016.8.23, Kitai Syakaigaku ni tsuite, Research Conference of IIAS, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.6.4-2016.6.5, Constructive studies on hypotheses about evolution of symbol and syntax, JSLS Annual Conference Symposium, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.5.28, Grammaticalization, displacement, and symbol extension: Consideration with constructive approach, Societe Japonaise de Linguistique Francaise "Historical change and grammaticalization of natural language: Through critical discussion on case studies of Japanese, English, and French and mathematical approach, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Professor, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Areas: Knowledge Science, Complex Systems, Evolutionary Linguistics, Evolutionary Economics
Research Interests (General): Dynamics in Language, Communication and Institutions
Research Interests (In this Project): Placing Constructive Approach in Methodologies of Forecasting and Understanding Principles
・Kobayashi, Shigeto, Masayuki Yoshida, and Takashi Hashimoto, 2013, Consideration of Circulation Mechanisms of Community Currency with Gaming and Multi-agent Simulations. Simulation & Gaming, 23(2):1-11. (in Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2014, How Is Symbol Communication Established. In Language and Embodiment. Imai, Mutsumi and Noburo Saji (eds.), pp. 235-260. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2013, Naturalization not Reduction: From the Perspective of Complex Systems. In Are the Brain and Mind Necessary for Economics? Kawagoe, Toshiji (ed.), Kawade Shobo Sinsha, pp. 185-205. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, Masaya Nakatsuka and Takeshi Konno, 2012, Constructive Modeling of Gramaticalization for the Origin and Evolution of Language. In Future Trends in the Biology of Language. Shiro Ojima, et al. (eds.), 53-81. Keio University Press.
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2017.3.25-2017.3.26, Complex Systems and Evolutionary Economics: Scope and Target of Non-Traditional Methodologies, Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics 2016, Workshop "Scope and Target of 'Evolutionary Economics: Applications, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.11.25, Jinko-Chino ga Hiraku Korekara no Syakai to Zeirishi no Yakuwari, Workshop of Kinki Certified Public Tax Accountants Association, Nakagyo branch, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.8.22-2016.8.23, Kitai Syakaigaku ni tsuite, Research Conference of IIAS, Kyoto, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.6.4-2016.6.5, Constructive studies on hypotheses about evolution of symbol and syntax, JSLS Annual Conference Symposium, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese)
・Hashimoto, Takashi, 2016.5.28, Grammaticalization, displacement, and symbol extension: Consideration with constructive approach, Societe Japonaise de Linguistique Francaise "Historical change and grammaticalization of natural language: Through critical discussion on case studies of Japanese, English, and French and mathematical approach, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Mai Suzuki
Project Researcher, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Science and Technology Studies
・Suzuki, Mai, 2017, An Ethnography of Forensic Science. The University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Suzuki, Mai, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Hanzai ni kansuru Yosoku to Syakai, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Project Researcher, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Research Areas: Science and Technology Studies
・Suzuki, Mai, 2017, An Ethnography of Forensic Science. The University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)
Conference Activities and Talks:
・Suzuki, Mai, 2016.11.5-2016.11.6, Hanzai ni kansuru Yosoku to Syakai, Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, Sapporo, Japan. (In Japanese)
Katsuya Yamori
Professor (Director), Research Centre for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, University of Kyoto
Research Areas: Disaster Psychology, Social Psychology
Research Interests (General): Theoretical and Practical Research on “ New Style” of Disaster Risk Communication
Research Interests (In this Project): Reconsideration of Risk Communication from Historical and Social Perspective
・Yamori, Katsuya, 2014, Revisiting the Concept of Tsunami Tendenko: Tsunami EvacuationBehavior in the Great East Japan Earthquake. In Natural Disaster Science and Mitigation Engineering: DPRI Reports (Vol.1), Studies on the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (eds.), 49-63. Springer Verlag.
・Sun, Yingying , Katsuya Yamori, and Seiji Kondo, 2014, Single-person Drill for Tsunami Evacuation and Disaster Education. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management 4.
・Yamori, Katsuya, 2013, A Historical Overview of Earthquake Perception in Japan: Fatalism, Social Reform, Scientific Control, and Collaborative Risk Management. In Cities at Risk: Living with Perils in the 21st Century. Rossetto,Tiziana, Joffe Helene, and John Adams (eds.), 73-91. Springer Verlag.
Professor (Director), Research Centre for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, University of Kyoto
Research Areas: Disaster Psychology, Social Psychology
Research Interests (General): Theoretical and Practical Research on “ New Style” of Disaster Risk Communication
Research Interests (In this Project): Reconsideration of Risk Communication from Historical and Social Perspective
・Yamori, Katsuya, 2014, Revisiting the Concept of Tsunami Tendenko: Tsunami EvacuationBehavior in the Great East Japan Earthquake. In Natural Disaster Science and Mitigation Engineering: DPRI Reports (Vol.1), Studies on the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (eds.), 49-63. Springer Verlag.
・Sun, Yingying , Katsuya Yamori, and Seiji Kondo, 2014, Single-person Drill for Tsunami Evacuation and Disaster Education. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management 4.
・Yamori, Katsuya, 2013, A Historical Overview of Earthquake Perception in Japan: Fatalism, Social Reform, Scientific Control, and Collaborative Risk Management. In Cities at Risk: Living with Perils in the 21st Century. Rossetto,Tiziana, Joffe Helene, and John Adams (eds.), 73-91. Springer Verlag.
Satoko Oki
Associate Professor, Environment and Information Studies, Keio University
Research Areas: Semiology
Associate Professor, Environment and Information Studies, Keio University
Research Areas: Semiology
Nobumichi Ariga
Researcher, Department of Science and Engineering, National Museum of Nature and Science
Research Areas: History of Science
Researcher, Department of Science and Engineering, National Museum of Nature and Science
Research Areas: History of Science
Takehiko Hayashi
Senior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Areas: Environmental Risk Studies
Senior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Areas: Environmental Risk Studies
Katsuya Takanashi
Researcher, Academic Centre for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
Research Areas: Communication Science
Researcher, Academic Centre for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
Research Areas: Communication Science
Hironori Ayabe
Professor, Waseda University
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, History of Science
Research Interests (General): Theory of Science, Technology and Society, Social History of Science and Technology
Research Interests (In this Project): Historical Case Studies on Forecasting as a Social Phenomenon
・Ayabe, Hironori (coeditor and coauthor), 2011,2012, A Social History of Science and Technology in Japan at the Turn of the Century. Hara Shobo. (In Japanese)
Professor, Waseda University
Research Areas: Sociology of Science, History of Science
Research Interests (General): Theory of Science, Technology and Society, Social History of Science and Technology
Research Interests (In this Project): Historical Case Studies on Forecasting as a Social Phenomenon
・Ayabe, Hironori (coeditor and coauthor), 2011,2012, A Social History of Science and Technology in Japan at the Turn of the Century. Hara Shobo. (In Japanese)
Koichi Hasegawa
Assistant Professor, Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies, Kyushu University
Research Areas: Science and Technology Policy
Assistant Professor, Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies, Kyushu University
Research Areas: Science and Technology Policy
Naoyuki Mikami
Associate Professor, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
Research Areas: Sociology, Science and Technology Communication
Research Interests (General): Public Participation in Science and Technology, Development of Participatory Methods
・Mikami, Naoyuki and Ekou Yagi, 2015, Bridging Global-Local Knowledge Gaps in Public Deliberation. In Governing
Biodiversity through Democratic Deliberation, Routledge. Mikko Rask and Richard Worthington (eds), 170-190,
・Mikami, Naoyuki, 2015, Public participation in decision-making on energy policy: The case of the ‘National Discussion’
after the Fukushima Accident. In Lessons From Fukushima: Japanese Case Studies on Science, Technology and Society. Yuko Fujigaki (ed.), 87-122, Springer.
・Mikami, Naoyuki, 2009, Regeneration of Regional Environment and Round-Table Conference. Nippon Hyoron Sha. (In Japanese)
Associate Professor, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
Research Areas: Sociology, Science and Technology Communication
Research Interests (General): Public Participation in Science and Technology, Development of Participatory Methods
・Mikami, Naoyuki and Ekou Yagi, 2015, Bridging Global-Local Knowledge Gaps in Public Deliberation. In Governing
Biodiversity through Democratic Deliberation, Routledge. Mikko Rask and Richard Worthington (eds), 170-190,
・Mikami, Naoyuki, 2015, Public participation in decision-making on energy policy: The case of the ‘National Discussion’
after the Fukushima Accident. In Lessons From Fukushima: Japanese Case Studies on Science, Technology and Society. Yuko Fujigaki (ed.), 87-122, Springer.
・Mikami, Naoyuki, 2009, Regeneration of Regional Environment and Round-Table Conference. Nippon Hyoron Sha. (In Japanese)
This project is supported by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A).
Principle Investigator: Tomiko Yamaguchi, International Christian University
All Rights Reserved, Copyright © Forecasting and Society Project